Synthetic Monitoring

“Monitoring experts’ research mentions that less than 3% of incidents are found before affecting users.”

Hence it is better to get proactive with Synthetic monitoring.

synthetic monitoring

Synthetic monitoring

Synthetic monitoring is a proactive approach to testing a web service or website by simulating visitor requests to test for performance, availability and function.

Simulate critical business journeys

Robotic automated behavioral scripts / paths or browser emulation created to simulate an action on 24×7 basis that a customer or end-user would take to process a transaction. All critical business journeys can be simulated and monitored proactively.

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Types of synthetic monitoring

Although the list of monitoring types is large, most monitoring fall into one of three categories: availability, performance, and transaction monitoring.

Availability monitoring​

Availability monitoring (uptime monitoring) is the most basic form of monitoring services and at its core means that the site or service is accessible, but some definitions expand that definition to include checking that the service or website functions properly as well. Advance availability monitoring may check for specific content, response time, attempt to authenticate a user, perform an API call, or verify a SSL certificate entry or DNS.

Application performance monitoring

Web performance monitoring takes availability monitoring to the next level and may check the page load speed, shows performance on an element by element basis, and report on frontend as well as backend response times. Issues captured by web performance monitoring include checking for errors, content and slow responses caused by third-party content, and slow responding databases and CDNs. Web performance monitoring also includes multi-browser monitoring and mobile application.

Transaction monitoring

Transaction monitoring on top of application monitoring takes synthetic monitoring to yet higher level. The checkpoint where computer runs a script that can login to a service, complete forms, purchase products, and respond to system prompts. To ensure that visitors can complete their tasks, “happy paths” are tested by transaction monitoring.

Synthetic monitoring – highlights

SLA monitoring – 24x7

Ensure that your key web, mobile, cloud, and streaming pages and transactions performs well to meet the SLAs. Besides performance and function, companies use synthetic monitoring to validate SLAs. Detailed reports enables companies to show the exact availability percentage for any given period.

Monitoring & manage 3rd party experience

Third party content comes in many different forms, e.g., payment management systems, CDNs, and analytic solutions and any issue in their performance affects the SLA of the host site. Synthetic monitoring enables to track third-party apps and their impact on the business journeys, the product’s availability and performance.

End user perspective

Ensure that your web application is available and performs well from an end user perspective to meet your SLAs. Synthetic monitoring uses all major desktop and mobile browsers to comprehensively simulate customer journeys and gives a free bandwidth experience to the real end user experience.

Proactive problem analysis

Actionable proactive performance alerts allow you to fix immediate problems before customers are getting negatively impacted. Outages and poor performance appear quickly when using synthetic monitoring. Instant access to detailed reports about an error allow teams to respond quickly.

Our differentiators

APLH – self-service portal

With ApMoSys Lighthouse, you can get all desirable metrices in the required combinations, in easy, comprehendible options.
What does it provide:

  • Dashboard which shows you live details of all the applications that are being monitored.
  • Page wise performance metrices which serves as health indicators of monitored applications.
  • Component level analysis which serves as first level RCA for the issues.
  • Predictive analysis and percentile metrices.
  • Flexibility to download reports as per the desired combination in addition to the daily reports being sent; can be analyzed even for desired time interval.

Real time alerts and timely periodic reporting

Alerts should trigger before end users experience problems with a site or service. Synthetic monitoring’s proactive approach works well for alerting about the issues to teams early. Synthetic monitoring can verify and check many details and identify situations before they become problems such as decreased performance from a database server. ApMoSys practices real time alerts of incidents along with regular reporting mechanism of daily reports, weekly reports and monthly customer interaction for improvements and feedback.

Component break down

Web page analysis to detect components that slow down your webpage. We can monitor your website's performance and detect the components (images, Javascript, CSS, etc.) that increase the website's loading time with synthetic web transaction monitoring. The information like size, load time and other various components helps you optimize the website and decrease its loading time.

Tool expertise

Our automation testing solutions support modern-day technologies and platforms available. We are equipped with world-class performance testing tools and continue to enhance our skills and abilities in adopting industries best practices.
